lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019


Hi there

Here you have all the information you need for this unit.

You should know how to do the serve, the bump, the overhead pass, the block and the spike.
You should demonstrate understanding of mechanics of volleyball. Tactics
You should know how to do a proper warm up for this sport.
You should learn new exercises for a proper technique developement

You should master the rules. Watch video and complete the form below.
You should be able to describe at least 2 skills with GIFS and specific vocabulary. Check handout
You should be able to answer questions in the written exam

You should know your initial level and work hard everyday. Check handout
You should work hard every day and enjoy this sport with your mates.
You should complete homework if you want to get full marks.

In this video you can check the rules of volleyball.
After watching it you may complete the questionaire.
Deadline: october 7th

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