Hi, there
Now that you know a lot of new words it´s time to study at home.
First of all, you should know the skeleton functions:
- Protection - the cranium and ribs protect the brain and vital organs in the chest.
- Shape - gives shape to the body and makes you tall or short.
- Support - holds your vital organs in place when playing sport. The vertebral column holds the body upright.
- Movement - muscle are attached to bones, which are jointed. When the muscles contract the bones move.
- Blood production - red blood cells (to carry oxygen) and white blood cells (to protect against infection) are produced in the bone marrow of some bones.
In this video you can learn about the skeleton.
Then, you can learn about the muscles
Functions of Muscles:
- Producing movement.
- Maintaining posture.
- Stabilizing joints.
- Assisting in the circulation of blood.
- Generating heat.
In this video you can learn about our muscles
download the handout and start studying.
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