domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016

Basketball. SCORE!!

Once you know how to move forward with the ball and you are able to get close to the rim,  you should know some tips if you want to score.

In class we are trying to learn how to do a perfect shot. Mastering this skill takes a lot of time. Althought it is related with high school it´s fun. Let´s see this video about perfect shooting form

In this video there are a lot of tips for your lay ups.

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016

Basketball games

During the basketball lessons you´ve learnt some games.

Playing these games you will practice your shooting skills.


miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Basketball Rules

Ahora que ya hemos aprendido las normas del baloncesto jugando a este divertido deporte, no está de más que repasemos las ideas básicas del reglamento y hagamos un cuestionario. Hay que hacerlo antes del viernes 18 de noviembre




You can find a lot of ideas if you search "handball exercises" on youtube.


Remember, your group should be able to do all the exercises you suggest in the worksheet.